Wednesday, October 29, 2008

People We Like : Cesar Milan

I discovered Cesar in the "Dog Whisperer" (a National Geographic Show).
Not only did i learn a lot about Dogs but also about people!

In his own words "I rehabilitate dogs. I train people."

I applied a few tips when my sister gave me a Lhassa Apso & she turned out to be a terrific dog.Even people who don't like dogs fall in love with her.I'm very grateful to Cesar. He truly has a gift.His compassion & skillful ways are very inspiring.
So,if you own a dog or are afraid of dogs, please check the OFFICIAL WEBSITE ,watch the videos.Enjoy! Tell me what you think.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

News:Reunion & Cool Gift

I had not seen my cousin Lily in more than 10 years.We were quite close,she used to babysit me & taught me many things.She lived in China as a child & kept on studying when she got back in Europe(INALCO,Paris).So perfectly fluent in mandarin.
I was lucky to have her as a kid,i was very curious about other cultures (especialy China & Japan) & not many people around me could answer my questions.

So i had dinner at her place last week & we had a wonderful "update" reunion.
As i was visiting her apartment i saw something hanging on the wall that i really liked & she decided on the spot to give it to me !

A silk hanging with the word "happiness" in a 100 different scripts.She hanged it upside down but we hanged it the other way this afternoon in my living room.

On the west wall it acts as a remedy for the annual no 3 Star because it's red.
The no 3 star causes quarrels,court cases & relationships troubles.
Other cures for the number 3 star (in 2010 south sector)
  • Red & Gold cushions,fabrics
  • Red & Gold Holy Verses
  • Golden Laughing Buddha
  • Ksitigarbha Fire Ball

Monday, October 27, 2008


L'art d'harmoniser notre espace afin que celui ci contribue a notre bien être & succès plutôt que de créer des obstacles
Maintenant assez connu,il était pratiqué par des empereurs,politiciens,hommes d'affaires et des millions de chinois de par le monde.
Il peut aider a a méliorer vos relations,finances,carrière,études et votre vie en général.
C'est aussi l 'art de choisir le bon moment pour commencer certaines activités importantes.

  • Se prononce Foung Schway
  • Traduction: Vent & Eau
  • Pratiqué depuis plus de 3000 ans
  • Différentes écoles & formules
  • Basé principalement sur les 5 éléments,le paysage,les directions cardinales et le courant de chi.
Comme ce n 'est pas un système de croyance il n 'est pas nécessaire d'y croire pour que ce soit efficace.

Art of harmonizing our environment so that it contributes to our well being & success rather than creating obstacles.
Now quite popular,it's been practiced by emperors,politicians,businessmen & chinese all around the world.It can help improve your relationships,finances,studies,carreer & your life in general. It's also the art of choosing the right time for important events.
  • Pronounced Foong Schway
  • Translation: Wind & Water
  • More than 3000 years old
  • Different schools & formulas
  • Most of it based on the 5 elements,landscape,cardinal directions & the flow of chi
As it is not a belief system,you don't have to believe for it to work.


  • La seule femme dans l 'histoire de Chine a avoir regné entant que Impératrice
  • Protectrice du Feng Shui
  • Beaucoup de livres a son sujet


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Petites Histoires : La Tour de la Banque de Chine,Hong-Kong

Designed by the architect I.M.Pei (Pritzker Prize winner)
Height: 305 m (367.4 m with 2 mats).
The tallest building in Asia from 1989 to 1992.
It was expected to conclude construction on the auspicious date of 8 August 1988 (reminds you of something?) But they were delayed.
The design is reminiscent of a young bamboo shoots (vitality, prosperity) but his angles are "poison arrows" clearly directed towards its neighbors (notably HSBC),some have compared to an instrument of slaughter ...

There was a little controversy at that time, it is the only major building in Hong Kong to have bypassed the Convention: consult a feng shui specialist for the design before construction.

Crée par l 'architecte I.M.Pei (gagnant du Prix Pritzer). Hauteur : 305 mètres (367,4 m avec les 2 mats) Le plus grand bâtiment en Asie de 1989 a 1992. Il était prévu de conclure la construction a la date auspicieuse du 8 août 1988 (ca vous rappelle quelque chose? ) mais ils ont eu du retard. Le design fait penser a de jeunes pousses de bamboo (vitalité,prospérité) mais ses angles protubérants sont des "flèches empoisonées"clairement dirigées vers ses voisins(notament HSBC),certains l 'ont comparé a un instrument de boucherie...
 Il y a eu une petite controverse a l 'époque,c'est le seul building important de Hong-Kong a avoir contourné la convention:consulter un spécialiste feng shui pour la conception avant la construction.