Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Words of Wisdom : Joyful Living

Lama Yeshe Lösal Rinpoche of Samye Ling Tibetan Monastery in Scotland, offers practical advice on how to become a happier and better human being.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Architecture:Jin Mao Tower

Jin Mao Tower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Jin Mao Tower (literally "Golden Prosperity Building") is an 88-story landmark supertall skyscraper in the Lujiazui area of the Pudong district of Shanghai, People's Republic of China. It contains offices and the Shanghai Grand Hyatt hotel. Until 2007 it was the tallest building in the PRC & the 5th tallest in the world.
It was designed by the Chicago office of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. Its postmodern form, whose complexity rises as it ascends, draws on traditional Chinese architecture such as the tiered pagoda, gently stepping back to create a rhythmic pattern as it rises. Like the Petronas Towers in Malaysia, the building's proportions revolve around the number 8, associated with prosperity in Chinese culture. The 88 floors (93 if the spire floors are counted) are divided into 16 segments, each of which is 1/8th shorter than the 16-story base. The tower is built around an octagon-shaped concrete shear wall core surrounded by 8 exterior composite supercolumns and 8 exterior steel columns. Three sets of 8 two-story high outrigger trusses connect the columns to the core at six of the floors to provide additional support.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I was very fortunate to attend some courses with the author who is becoming more & more popular due to his incredible wisdom,humour & kindness.

Highly recommended for those interested in science,meditation & how it affects the brain & our well-being.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Remedy against death/emptiness line ? Need to go back & check : )

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Tattoos are usually not so much recommended by some,while in some countries like Thaïland there's a whole tradition of protective tattoos.
A good friend of mine had this one done recently.It is not complete yet but here's a preview.

Les tatouages ne sont pas conseillés par certains,mais dans certains pays comme la Thaïlande,il y a toute une tradition de tatouages protecteurs.
Un de mes bons amis a récemment fait celui ci.Il n'est pas achevé mais voici déja un apercu.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

VIDEO: Raymond Lo on NBC Today Show

During the Olympics,Famous Expert Raymond Lo was asked to feng shui the set.

Nice views of Beijing

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

People We Like : Cesar Milan

I discovered Cesar in the "Dog Whisperer" (a National Geographic Show).
Not only did i learn a lot about Dogs but also about people!

In his own words "I rehabilitate dogs. I train people."

I applied a few tips when my sister gave me a Lhassa Apso & she turned out to be a terrific dog.Even people who don't like dogs fall in love with her.I'm very grateful to Cesar. He truly has a gift.His compassion & skillful ways are very inspiring.
So,if you own a dog or are afraid of dogs, please check the OFFICIAL WEBSITE ,watch the videos.Enjoy! Tell me what you think.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

News:Reunion & Cool Gift

I had not seen my cousin Lily in more than 10 years.We were quite close,she used to babysit me & taught me many things.She lived in China as a child & kept on studying when she got back in Europe(INALCO,Paris).So perfectly fluent in mandarin.
I was lucky to have her as a kid,i was very curious about other cultures (especialy China & Japan) & not many people around me could answer my questions.

So i had dinner at her place last week & we had a wonderful "update" reunion.
As i was visiting her apartment i saw something hanging on the wall that i really liked & she decided on the spot to give it to me !

A silk hanging with the word "happiness" in a 100 different scripts.She hanged it upside down but we hanged it the other way this afternoon in my living room.

On the west wall it acts as a remedy for the annual no 3 Star because it's red.
The no 3 star causes quarrels,court cases & relationships troubles.
Other cures for the number 3 star (in 2010 south sector)
  • Red & Gold cushions,fabrics
  • Red & Gold Holy Verses
  • Golden Laughing Buddha
  • Ksitigarbha Fire Ball

Monday, October 27, 2008


L'art d'harmoniser notre espace afin que celui ci contribue a notre bien être & succès plutôt que de créer des obstacles
Maintenant assez connu,il était pratiqué par des empereurs,politiciens,hommes d'affaires et des millions de chinois de par le monde.
Il peut aider a a méliorer vos relations,finances,carrière,études et votre vie en général.
C'est aussi l 'art de choisir le bon moment pour commencer certaines activités importantes.

  • Se prononce Foung Schway
  • Traduction: Vent & Eau
  • Pratiqué depuis plus de 3000 ans
  • Différentes écoles & formules
  • Basé principalement sur les 5 éléments,le paysage,les directions cardinales et le courant de chi.
Comme ce n 'est pas un système de croyance il n 'est pas nécessaire d'y croire pour que ce soit efficace.

Art of harmonizing our environment so that it contributes to our well being & success rather than creating obstacles.
Now quite popular,it's been practiced by emperors,politicians,businessmen & chinese all around the world.It can help improve your relationships,finances,studies,carreer & your life in general. It's also the art of choosing the right time for important events.
  • Pronounced Foong Schway
  • Translation: Wind & Water
  • More than 3000 years old
  • Different schools & formulas
  • Most of it based on the 5 elements,landscape,cardinal directions & the flow of chi
As it is not a belief system,you don't have to believe for it to work.


  • La seule femme dans l 'histoire de Chine a avoir regné entant que Impératrice
  • Protectrice du Feng Shui
  • Beaucoup de livres a son sujet


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Petites Histoires : La Tour de la Banque de Chine,Hong-Kong

Designed by the architect I.M.Pei (Pritzker Prize winner)
Height: 305 m (367.4 m with 2 mats).
The tallest building in Asia from 1989 to 1992.
It was expected to conclude construction on the auspicious date of 8 August 1988 (reminds you of something?) But they were delayed.
The design is reminiscent of a young bamboo shoots (vitality, prosperity) but his angles are "poison arrows" clearly directed towards its neighbors (notably HSBC),some have compared to an instrument of slaughter ...

There was a little controversy at that time, it is the only major building in Hong Kong to have bypassed the Convention: consult a feng shui specialist for the design before construction.

Crée par l 'architecte I.M.Pei (gagnant du Prix Pritzer). Hauteur : 305 mètres (367,4 m avec les 2 mats) Le plus grand bâtiment en Asie de 1989 a 1992. Il était prévu de conclure la construction a la date auspicieuse du 8 août 1988 (ca vous rappelle quelque chose? ) mais ils ont eu du retard. Le design fait penser a de jeunes pousses de bamboo (vitalité,prospérité) mais ses angles protubérants sont des "flèches empoisonées"clairement dirigées vers ses voisins(notament HSBC),certains l 'ont comparé a un instrument de boucherie...
 Il y a eu une petite controverse a l 'époque,c'est le seul building important de Hong-Kong a avoir contourné la convention:consulter un spécialiste feng shui pour la conception avant la construction.